Benefits of using a branded restaurant ordering system

You can keep customers coming to you and drum extra business through introducing your own online ordering system - branded to your business.

Throughout 2020, online orders for restaurants and other hospitality outlets accelerated from the effects of lockdown, and this trend is set to stay.

More than ever, catering businesses need an easy way for customers to order their food online.

Here are the benefits to your business of setting up an restaurant ordering system geared to your particular own brand:

Brand Recognition

When you have an easy-to-use ordering system tailored to your own brand, it makes it easy for your customers to recognise you. When customers are searching online and your logo pops up, it makes you instantly recognisable and is easy to select.

Building up the know, like and trust factors come into play here. Repeat customers will have an instant recognition and are more likely to click.

Increase Conversion

When your brand is easy-to-find and the ordering is easy, you can convert more people into customers. They may have heard of your restaurant, but not realise you offer an online ordering system. Once they know this, they can save your app or bookmark your page and easily find it again. Customers are looking for a system that’s easy, but that also gives them the chance to look through a range of options from their phone or laptop. Increased customers for you, easy for them.

Collect info for analytics

As you build your own customer database, you can build an email list (with their consent) and create your own special offer for different types of customers. Got a customer who orders the same vegetarian dish? Create a time-sensitive discount or special offer just for them.

Tailor the customer experience

With a restaurant ordering system catered to your own brand, your customer will have an overall better experience. You can tailor a customer’s order, offer gluten-free or vegan options and cater to specific requirements. A simple system that enables your customers to have a seamless and efficient system that brings them their favourite dish on a Saturday night, will deepen their satisfaction.

A customised ordering system is a worthwhile long-term investment that your customers will keep returning to. Even after lockdown, online ordering is likely to continue, as people have discovered the ease and enjoyment from eating in company at home.

A fully-branded restaurant ordering system to grow your customer base can help boost brand awareness and expand the audience you want to reach.

With TastyIgniter, it's free to install and set up, there are no commissions on orders and it's easily customisable.

Boost your business income and use a simple tool to help your customers order from you online.

For a free discovery call about what this system can generate for your business, book a call at a time that suits you here